A Theoretical Framework

  1. A Theoretical Framework Mcq
  2. A Theoretical Framework For Conversational Search
  3. A Theoretical Framework For Effective Online Learning
  4. A Theoretical Framework For The Critical Posthumanities
  5. Example Of A Theoretical Framework In Research

Symbolic interactionism is a theoretical framework rather than a theory (see Stryker and Vryan, 2003, for a clear distinction between the two as it. Naturalizing consciousness: A theoretical framework. Appleworks 6 free for mac. Share This Article: Copy. Sign up for the PNAS Highlights newsletter to get in-depth stories of. Theoretical approaches have been developed to explain the relationship between satisfaction or positive disconfirmation and dissatisfaction or negative disconfirmation. According to Oliver 12, these approaches can be seen as variants of the consistency theories and focus primarily on the nature of the. To respond to these requirements, the Informal Caregiving Integrative Model (ICIM) is proposed as a theoretical framework to guide future research (.

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1. A structure for supporting or enclosing something else, especially a skeletal support used as the basis for something being constructed.
3. A fundamental structure, as for a written work.
4. A set of assumptions, concepts, values, and practices that constitutes a way of viewing reality.
American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language, Fifth Edition. Copyright © 2016 by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. Published by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. All rights reserved.


(ˈfreɪmˌwɜːk) n
2. a structure or frame supporting or containing something
4. (Knitting & Sewing) work such as embroidery or weaving done in or on a frame
Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged, 12th Edition 2014 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1994, 1998, 2000, 2003, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2011, 2014


1. a skeletal structure designed to support or enclose something.
2. a frame or structure composed of parts fitted together.
Random House Kernerman Webster's College Dictionary, © 2010 K Dictionaries Ltd. Copyright 2005, 1997, 1991 by Random House, Inc. All rights reserved.
Noun1.framework - a hypothetical description of a complex entity or process; 'the computer program was based on a model of the circulatory and respiratory systems'
model, theoretical account
computer simulation, simulation - (computer science) the technique of representing the real world by a computer program; 'a simulation should imitate the internal processes and not merely the results of the thing being simulated'
hypothesis, theory, possibility - a tentative insight into the natural world; a concept that is not yet verified but that if true would explain certain facts or phenomena; 'a scientific hypothesis that survives experimental testing becomes a scientific theory'; 'he proposed a fresh theory of alkalis that later was accepted in chemical practices'
mean sun - a theoretical sun that moves along the celestial equator at a constant speed and completes its annual course in the same amount of time the real sun takes at variable speeds
Copernican system - (astronomy) Copernicus' astronomical model in which the Earth rotates around the sun
Ptolemaic system - (astronomy) Ptolemy's model of the universe with the Earth at the center
M-theory - (particle physics) a theory that involves an eleven-dimensional universe in which the weak and strong forces and gravity are unified and to which all the string theories belong
string theory - (particle physics) a theory that postulates that subatomic particles are one-dimensional strings
stochastic process - a statistical process involving a number of random variables depending on a variable parameter (which is usually time)
2.framework - the underlying structure; 'providing a factual framework for future research'; 'it is part of the fabric of society'
structure - the manner of construction of something and the arrangement of its parts; 'artists must study the structure of the human body'; 'the structure of the benzene molecule'
3.framework - a structure supporting or containing something
airframe - the framework and covering of an airplane or rocket (excluding the engines)
arbour, bower, pergola, arbor - a framework that supports climbing plants; 'the arbor provided a shady resting place in the park'
backing, mount - something forming a back that is added for strengthening
bracing, brace - a structural member used to stiffen a framework
bustle - a framework worn at the back below the waist for giving fullness to a woman's skirt
casing, case - the enclosing frame around a door or window opening; 'the casings had rotted away and had to be replaced'
climbing frame - a framework of bars or logs for children to climb on
clotheshorse - a framework on which to hang clothes (as for drying)
coaming - a raised framework around a hatchway on a ship to keep water out
cornice, pelmet, valance, valance board - a decorative framework to conceal curtain fixtures at the top of a window casing
deckle - (paper making) a frame used to form paper pulp into sheets
derrick - a framework erected over an oil well to allow drill tubes to be raised and lowered
doorcase, doorframe - the frame that supports a door
cowcatcher, fender, buffer, pilot - an inclined metal frame at the front of a locomotive to clear the track
framing, frame - a framework that supports and protects a picture or a mirror; 'the frame enhances but is not itself the subject of attention'; 'the frame was much more valuable than the miror it held'
gantry, gauntry - a framework of steel bars raised on side supports to bridge over or around something; can display railway signals above several tracks or can support a traveling crane etc.
grate, grating - a frame of iron bars to hold a fire
grill, grillwork, grille - a framework of metal bars used as a partition or a grate; 'he cooked hamburgers on the grill'
gun carriage - a framework on which a gun is mounted for firing
handbarrow - a rectangular frame with handles at both ends; carried by two people
hayrig, hayrack - a frame attached to a wagon to increase the amount of hay it can carry
honeycomb - a framework of hexagonal cells resembling the honeycomb built by bees
fretwork, latticework, lattice - framework consisting of an ornamental design made of strips of wood or metal
oxbow - a wooden framework bent in the shape of a U; its upper ends are attached to the horizontal yoke and the loop goes around the neck of an ox
picture frame - a framework in which a picture is mounted
ribbing - a framework of ribs
sash, window sash - a framework that holds the panes of a window in the window frame
sawbuck, sawhorse, buck, horse - a framework for holding wood that is being sawed
stocks - a frame for constraining an animal while it is receiving veterinary attention or while being shod
stocks - a frame that supports a boat while it is under construction
stretcher - a wooden framework on which canvas is stretched and fixed for oil painting
supporting structure - a structure that serves to support something
embroidery frame, embroidery hoop, tambour - a frame made of two hoops; used for embroidering
tenter - a framework with hooks used for stretching and drying cloth
truss - a framework of beams (rafters, posts, struts) forming a rigid structure that supports a roof or bridge or other structure
undercarriage - framework that serves as a support for the body of a vehicle
baby-walker, go-cart, walker - an enclosing framework on casters or wheels; helps babies learn to walk
Zimmer, Zimmer frame, walker - a light enclosing framework (trade name Zimmer) with rubber castors or wheels and handles; helps invalids or the handicapped or the aged to walk
wattle - framework consisting of stakes interwoven with branches to form a fence
window - a framework of wood or metal that contains a glass windowpane and is built into a wall or roof to admit light or air
window frame - the framework that supports a window
Based on WordNet 3.0, Farlex clipart collection. © 2003-2012 Princeton University, Farlex Inc.

A Theoretical Framework Mcq


1.system, plan, order, scheme, arrangement, fabric, schema, frame of reference, the bare boneswithin the framework of federal regulations
2.structure, body, frame, foundation, shell, fabric, skeletonwooden shelves on a steel framework
Collins Thesaurus of the English Language – Complete and Unabridged 2nd Edition. 2002 © HarperCollins Publishers 1995, 2002
konstrukcekostrasoustavasystémaplikační rámec


2. (fig) [of essay, society] → marcom
within the framework of the constitution
B.CPDframework agreementN (Ind, Pol) → acuerdommarco
Collins Spanish Dictionary - Complete and Unabridged 8th Edition 2005 © William Collins Sons & Co. Ltd. 1971, 1988 © HarperCollins Publishers 1992, 1993, 1996, 1997, 2000, 2003, 2005


a theoretical framework → une basethéorique
a regulatory framework → un ensemble de règlesframework agreement naccord-cadrem
Collins English/French Electronic Resource. © HarperCollins Publishers 2005
Collins Italian Dictionary 1st Edition © HarperCollins Publishers 1995


(freim) noun
1. a hard main structure round which something is built or made. the steel frame of the aircraft. raamwerk هَيْكَل скелет armação kostra das Gerüst ramme; skelet σκελετόςarmazón, estructura karkass بدنه؛ استخوان بندی runko structureשלד चौखट kostur (gradevine), okvir, šasija (tartó)szerkezet; váz kerangka grind struttura 骨組み (건물, 기계, 가구, 차, 배, 비행기 등의) 뼈대 karkasas, korpusas karkass kerangka geraamteramme szkielet konstrukcji سكلټ (دبدن) armação structură корпус kostra ustroj konstrukcija stomme, skrov, ram โครงสร้างพื้นฐาน çatı, iskelet 骨架 кістяк; каркас ڈھانچا sườn; khung 骨架
2. something made to enclose something. a picture-frame; a window-frame. raam إطار рамка moldura rám der Rahmen ramme πλαίσιο, κορνίζαmarco raam چهار چوب؛ قاب kehys cadreמסגרת चौखट okvir (za slike npr.) keret bingkai rammi cornice わく 액자 rėmas ietvars; rāmis bingkai lijstrammerama چوکات moldura cadru; ramă рама rám okvir okvir ram กรอบ çerçeve 框架 рама چوکھٹا khung 框架

A Theoretical Framework For Effective Online Learning

3. the human body. He has a slight frame. liggaamsbou هَيْكَل ، بُنْيَة الجِسِم човешкото тяло constituição kostra die Gestalt krop; figur σώμαcuerpo, constitución kehaehitus هیکل vartalo ossatureגוף ढांचा tijelo, grada (test)alkat perawakan líkamsbygging costituzione, ossatura 体格 인체 kūno sudėjimas ķermeņa uzbūve; augums perawakan bouwkroppsbygningbudowa تنه، جسم constituição osatură телосложение kostra okostje telo kropp, kroppsbyggnad โครงสร้างร่างกาย iskelet 身軀 тіло جسم thân hình; tầm vóc 身躯
1. to put a frame around. to frame a picture. raam يَضَع إطارا على صورَه слагам рамка emoldurar zarámovat einrahmen indramme κορνιζάρωenmarcar raamima قاب گرفتن kehystää encadrer לְמַסגֵר चारों ओर होना uokviriti bekeretez memberi pigura ramma incorniciare わくをつける (그림 등을) 액자에 끼우다 įrėminti ielikt ietvarā; ierāmēt membingkaikan inlijstenramme inn, sette i ramme oprawiać چوکات کول emoldurar a înrăma вставлять в раму (za)rámovať okviriti uokviriti rama in ใส่กรอบ çerçevelemek 給..裝框架 вставляти в рамку چوکھٹے میں جڑنا đóng khung 给..装框架
2. to act as a frame for. Her hair framed her face. omraam يُحيط، يكون بمثابة إطار играя ролята на рамка emoldurar rámovat umrahmen indramme πλαισιώνωenmarcar, encuadrar raamina ümbritsema بصورت قالب درآوردن kehystää encadrer מִסגוּר शब्दों में बांधना oblikovati, uokviriti keretez mengelilingi ramma, vera umgjörð incorniciare 輪かくをつける (틀에 따라) 만들다, 모양 짓다 apjuosti ierāmēt mengelilingi omlijsten danne en ramme rundt obramowywać په يوه چوكاټ كي راوستل emoldurar a încadra обрамлять rámovať obdajati uokviriti rama in เป็นเหมือนกรอบ çerçevelemek 作為框架 обрамовувати چوکھٹا بنانا tạo khuôn 作为框架
3. to arrange false evidence so as to make (someone) seem guilty of a crime etc (noun ˈframe-up). vals beskuldig يُلَفِّقُ تُهْمَه، يُحيك натопявам incriminar falešně obvinit intrigieren gegen komme med en falsk anklage ενοχοποιώincriminar, culpar lavastama پاپوش درست کردن lavastaa syylliseksi monter un coup; coup monté לְהַפלִיל झूठे आरोप लगाना namjestiti, podvaliti; podvala, namještaljka hamisan megvádol menjebak koma sök á e-n saklausan, falsa sönnunargögn incastrare, montare un'accusa contro ぬれぎぬをきせる (계획 등을) 꾸미다, 날조하다 neteisingai iškelti bylą, sufabrikuoti bylą sagrozīt faktus; nepatiess apvainojums; faktu sagrozīšana memerangkap vals beschuldigen dikte opp falske beviser mot fabrykować په دام کی اچول incriminar a înscena сфабриковать falošne obviniť zagosti jo (komu); podtaknjen dokaz namestiti utsätta för en komplott, sätta dit ใส่ร้าย (คำสแลง) komplo kurmak 陷害 підтасовувати کسی کو جھوٹے الزام میں پھانسنا tạo chứng cứ giả 陷害

A Theoretical Framework For The Critical Posthumanities

ˈframework noun
the basic supporting structure of anything. The building will be made of concrete on a steel framework. raamwerk إطار عَمَل скелет armação kostra, konstrukce das Gerüst skelet; struktur σκελετόςestructura, marco tugiraamistik بدنه؛ استخوان بندی runko charpenteשלד ढांचा, रूपरेखा okosnica (zgrade, čamca, broda) szerkezet kerangka (burðar)grind struttura 骨組み 뼈대, 구조물 konstrukcija, korpusas konstrukcija; karkass rangka geraamterammeverk, skjelettstruktura, szkielet اسكليت جوړونه armação structură каркас kostra, konštrukcia ogrodje osnova stomme, konstruktion ขอบข่ายงาน iskelet, çatı, şasi 構架 каркас بنیادی ساخت sườn; khung 构架
frame of mind
mental state. He is in a strange frame of mind. gedagte raamwerk مِزاج، حالَه نَفْسِيَّه душевно състояние estado de espírito nálada die Gemütsverfassung sindstilstand ψυχική κατάσταση estado de ánimo meeleolu روحیه mielentila disposition d'esprit מַצַב-רוּח मनोदशा raspoloženje, duševno stanje kedélyállapot keadaan pikiran hugarástand disposizione di spirito, umore 気分 마음 상태 nuotaika, nusiteikimas garastāvoklis; noskaņojums keadaan fikiran gemoedsgesteldheidsinnsstemningusposobienie, nastrój ذهني، دماغي، فكري، كم فكره، پڅفكره estado de espírito dispoziţie настроение duševný stav razpoloženje raspoloženje sinnesstämning สภาวะทางจิตใจ ruh hâli 精神狀態 настрій ذہنی کیفیت tâm trạng 精神状态
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