Barbie Secret Agent Game

Barbie Secret Agent Game

Barbie Secret Agent Game

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  • Join the Spy Squad with Barbie, Renee and Teresa and earn your license to spy. Complete your missions by collecting gems and cracking codes to keep your heath meter up. But watch out for enemy robots, laser traps and oil slicks! You are leaving the Barbie Play site to go to a site intended for adults. GO BACK CONTINUE Opens in a new tab.
Secret Agent Barbie

Secret Agent Barbie lets kids join the alpha blonde and her friends as she travels the world as an international fashion spy. Her mission is to investigate and stop the creation of an invisibility suit. The game contains five international locations - Paris, New York, Egypt, Tokyo, and Rio.

is an Action-Adventure game for PC. Action GirlBarbie is called on by her good friend Theresa, who is a fashion designer planning her big show. A thief has stolen Theresa’s valuable designs, so Barbie, in pursuit of justice, travels the world searching for clues in hope of capturing the thief.

Along the way, Barbie’s friends and teammates supply her with the gadgets, training and strategies needed to complete each mission.

This game provides examples of:

  • Asian Store-Owner: Mrs. Tanaka. Apart from dye, what she's selling isn't made clear. Probably a downplayed trope, because her store is in Japan, where almost everyone is, well, Asian.
  • Art Major Physics: Because putting on a translucent/transparent suit would really make you absolutely invisible from top to bottom.
  • Backtracking: Though often areas you've visited will have changed, or some areas will be blocked off.
  • But Thou Must!: The thief will always be suspiciously faster than you, and you must always let the thief get away.
  • Camp Straight: Mr. Johnson is hinted to be one of these.
  • Cool Plane: Barbie and her team have their own very large and very pink private jet, which acts as their primary mode of transportation, as well as their secret headquarters.
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  • Culture Equals Costume: Averted in Brazil and France, but played straight just about everywhere else.
  • Easing into the Adventure: Unless you skip it, the start of the game is Barbie doing some Virtual Training before receiving the call from Theresa.
  • Equipment Reset Button: Barbie's inventory is changed each level so that she always has what she needs.
  • Gadget Watches: Barbie uses a watch to communicate with her friends back at base while she’s on a mission. When it’s not being used in this way, it functions as a minimap/GPS device. Also see Super Wrist-Gadget below.
  • Gateless Ghetto: The Egypt and Japan levels come to mind.
  • The Ghost: Emille Vesante
  • Goggles Do Something Unusual: One of Barbie’s gadgets is her Pink Vision Goggles, which help her to see coded messages within her environment.
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  • The Guards Must Be Crazy: The security guards in all of the levels are easily distracted by Barbie's Robot Dog, fail to respond to loud alarms, and apparently fail to see Barbie even if she's about two feet away from them and stealthily rolling across the floor.They are very polite to Barbie if they do happen to spot her though.
  • Improbable Weapon User: To call them weapons is a stretch, but Barbie's arsenal of gadgets consists of: a lipstick, a swingshot that's a wristband, a bottle of perfume, a robot puppy, a camera, some glasses and a compact of foundation that causes a huge cloud of smoke. Yeah.
  • Instant 180-Degree Turn: The Guards.
  • Instant Costume Change: Barbie performs these when changing among Stealth, Action and Adventure modes, sometimes in broad daylight, in a public area, while surrounded by a crowd. This is never mentioned or explained.
  • Jet Pack: You can get one by typing JET whilst in action mode. It's a bit of a Scrappy Mechanic, though, as it's essentially just one long continuous jump when you hold down the space bar.
  • Jump Physics: Action Mode, full stop.
  • Invisibility Cloak: The thief stole Theresa’s designs in order to create a ‘Translucent Suit’, which is said to provide the wearer with near invisibility when worn.
  • Laser Hallway: Frequently encountered by Barbie.
  • Level Goal: Technically
  • Limited Sound Effects: A lot of the guards sound the same.
  • Modern Egypt: One of Barbie's many destinations. Others include:
  • No Celebrities Were Harmed: Some of the guards have an uncanny resemblance to a pixelated Ben Stiller.
  • No Peripheral Vision: The guards seem to have this. In fact, you can see their exact field of vision on the minimap. You could be standing right next to one of the guards, but as long as you’re not in that vision field, you won’t get noticed.
  • Now, Where Was I Going Again?: A particularly cruel example. You can save mid-mission and quit, but upon reloading your save, you have to start from the beginning of the mission again.
  • Robot Dog: One of Barbie’s gadgets is a robot dog that looks suspiciously like a Poochie (the robotic toy dog from the Turn of the Millennium). It’s used to distract guards and reach small spaces where Barbie can’t fit.
  • Run, Don't Walk: You can only run in Action Mode, you can only walk in Adventure Mode but you can only run once in Stealth Mode, otherwise you're reduced to sneaking.
  • Saving the World: Or at least the economy
  • Scripted Event: It's perfectly possible (with the aid of a cheat) to catch up to Camille when she's stolen the puzzle box, but you have to let her escape.
  • Stealth-Based Game: At least a third of the time, Barbie is in ‘Stealth Mode’.
    • Stealth-Based Mission: There are lots of these.
  • Stealth Expert: It’s hard to believe that Barbie can go by unnoticed in the highly colourful ‘Stealth Mode’ outfit that she wears, especially when she’s ‘stealthing’ in sparsely populated areas. This is, therefore, the only explanation.
  • Stock Video Game Puzzle:
    • Enter Solution Here (the most common one)
  • Stock Foreign Name: Tanaka is a relatively common Japanese surname.
  • Stupidity Is the Only Option: In one mission, Barbie has to set up a trap for the main villain by using the MacGuffin she just got. Cue facepalming when the villain arrives, steals the MacGuffin and forces a futile chase after them.
  • Supervillain Lair: The lair of the villain, the last mission of the game.
  • Super Wrist-Gadget: The UI shows a bracelet along the bottom of the screen; each ‘link’ in the chain contains the icon for one of Barbie’s many gadgets. Since she doesn’t carry a bag or have anywhere else to store these items, it’s implied that she actuallykeeps them inside her bracelet.
  • Tracking Device: Yet another of Barbie’s gadgets, this tracking device comes in the form of tracking perfume. Yeah…
  • Video Game Settings:
    • Recurring Location
    • The Maze: Subverted in that you have a map and can see over the hedges.
  • You Can't Thwart Stage One: Or two, three or four.

Alternative Title(s):Barbie Secret Agent

Barbie Secret Agent Game Boy
