Best Time To Post On Ao3

Timei1976 - blu notte

I usually post in the evening... but since I live in Italy, MY evening is YOUR (U.S.) morning, LOL

Anyway, I don't think there's a best time to post. If peolpe want to read your story, they'll read it, as soon you post it... or the next week, too.

The BIG difference is posting in a large fandom or in a small one, cause it varies the time your story stays on the first page, and so the possible number of NEW viewers.

I already had my website set up to go online but somehow I am stuck as I am not able to figure out what the hell should I be writing on my first blog post. After reading your article the blueprint of my first blog post is getting clearer. I have the blueprint, now its time for some research. Thank you once again. Keep Inspiring and keep blogging.

Best Time To Post On Ao3 Live

Best Time To Post On Ao3

I think the most part of people post in the evening, or, at least, people who work during the day. But I don't think it affects the number of new viewers.

Best Time To Post On Ao3 2020

  • Many bloggers spend a lot of time looking for “the best” theme and later invest even more time in its customisation. Sure, there is nothing bad about having a nice design. But As the majority of them are not full time bloggers, every hour more spent on the designing of the blog means one hour less for creating the content.
  • The best content marketers know that, when it comes to driving impact and engagement, timing is a big part of the equation. Your aim is to deliver content at a moment when your particular target audience is likely to notice it – and has time to engage with and act on it.
  • Make sure your fic has correct spelling and grammar. People will respect an author more if their fic is grammatically correct, and it makes it easier to read. Don’t put A/Ns (author’s notes) in the middle of the chapter, but including them at the.

Best Time To Post On Ao3


I don't notice so much difference... morning... evening... during the week... during the week-end... the number of my views is constant along the whole week and month after month (with some increase as soon as after I post, but I've had peaks of viewers totally unrelated to a new post, so unexiplicable to me); and sometimes, in a day, I have more viewers for stories I posted MONTHS (or YEARS!!) ago than for the story just posted, so... I DON'T UNDERSTAND why, how and when readers decide to read a story (some readers read stories already completed, for example, so they won't read your story no matter when you post it, but just when you complete it).

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6/13/2013 . Edited 6/13/2013 #10